Physical activity

Evidence suggests that even low- to moderate exercise can have both short- an long-term benefits. Such activities include stair climbing, pleasure walking, gardening, moderate to heavy housework, dancing and home exercise. Other more vigorous activities like swimming, brisk walking, running, or jumping rope are called aerobic activities and can condition your heart and lungs if performed at the proper intensity for at least 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week. If you exercise so you will tend to:

o       Feel more confident, happy and relaxed

o       Control your weight better

o       Have a healthier blood cholesterol level

o       Have lower blood pressure

o       Have strong bones and less osteoporosis

o       Be less likely to have a heart attack

o       Live longer

 Cooper’s test

 Index of physical efficiency. Evaluate the maximum distance covered in 12 minute running or marching



Men       Women

Men       Women

Men       Women

Men       Women


< 30 years old

30-39 years

40-49 years

³ 50 years

I very poor

< 1600       < 1500

< 1500     < 1350

< 1350    < 1200

< 1300    < 1050

II poor

1600-2000  1500-1850

1500-1850 1350-1650

1350-1700 12001500

1300-1600 1050-1350

III fair

2001-2400  1851-2150

1851-2250 1651-200

1701-2100 1501-1850

1601-2000 1351-1650

IV good

2401-2800  2151-2650

2251-2650 2001-2500

2101-2500 1851-2300

2001-2400 1651-2150

V very good

> 2800        > 2650

>2650       > 2500

>2500       > 2300

> 2400        > 2150

 Maximium theoretic heart rate

reached during physical activity


To train a physical activity must be runned for 20-30 minutes for at least 3 times a week at 60-70% of maximum theoretic heart rate

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