Advices for healthy living

q       Do not smoke

q       Lose weight, if you are overweight

q       Get moving

q       Limit the fat in your diet

q       Balance the type of fat you eat

q       Watch your cholesterol intake

q       Concentrate on complex carbohydrates

q       Find more fiber

q       Limit sodium and salt

q       Drink alcohol with moderation and , if you do, choose red wine

q       Read food labels


Tips for a healthy diet

q       Try to introduce variety into your diet, but do not eat too much

q       Chose low-fat milk and milk products (up to 1.5% fat) and low-fat cheese

q       Watch how much high-fat food you eat. Go for lean meat, fish and sausage

q       Reduce saturated fat, prefer monounsaturated fat such as olive oil

q       Avoid food rich in cholesterol, e.g. egg yolk, offal

q       Look for alternatives to foods that contain a lot of sugar

q       Eat vegetables, fruit, wholemeal products daily to ensure a sufficient daily intake of minerals, vitamins, and fibre for your health

q       Drink plenty of fluids, but mainly low-calorie drinks

q       Use as little fat as possible for cooking. Healthy ways are: stew for a short yime in a minimum of water or steam, cook in laminated pots and pans, in clay pots, or in foil, grill rather than fry

q       Eat little and often, and preferably always in the same place

q       Go easy on alcohol

q       Cut back on your salt intake

q       Preferably buy foods with labels that give information about the nutritional content


Tips for cooking 

q       Before cooking, trim all visible fat from meat, poultry, and fish. Rub herb and spice blends into the     surface to add flavour without fat. Brush food with no-fat chicken or beef broth, wine, or tomato juice. Remove poultry skin either before or after cooking. 

q       Choose cooking techniques that don’t relay on oil and butter. Use a non-stick  frying pan, or lightly coat pots and pans with vegetable cooking strays. Broil instead of fry, steam instead of sauté

q       Try recipes that combine a small amount of meat, poultry, or diary food with a larger portion of vegetables and grains

q       Use evaporated skim milk instead of cream in sauces. Purče cooked vegetables or beans  to thicken sauces and soups instead of adding cream

q       Let cooked soups and stews cool, then skim the fat off the top before reheating

q       Use applesauce, prune, or apricot purče instead of oil or fat in baking


Tips for making the most of your doctor visit

q       Briefly describe your symptoms, even those you feel may not be important. You may want to keep a list so you will remember them

q       Answer sincerely to doctor’s questions

q       Tell the doctor all of the medications you take-including over-the-counter drugs- and any problem you may be having with them

q       Be sure you understand all of the doctor’s instructions – especially for medications. Know what drug to take when, how often, and in what amount

q       Do not hesitate to ask questions to clarify points

q       Ask your doctor to rephrase a reply you cannot understand

q       Find out what side effects are possible from any drug the doctor prescribe for you

q       Ask the meaning of any medical term you do not understand

q       Take a family member or a friend to the appointment with you to help you better understand and remember what’s said

q       If, after your appointment, you still have questions or are uncertain about your treatment, call the doctor’s office to get the information you need


A question for your pharmacist

q       Ask if any drug you are taking interacts badly with certain foods or with other drugs, including non-prescription ones

q       Ask for help to understand product package inserts and label instructions



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